Developing Salesforce

To use Salesforce as efficiently as possible, it is important to continuously develop the system along with the company’s business. Because Salesforce is an agile and versatile CRM, it is, at least in theory, easy to modify. However, in practice, accomplishing the desired modifications is a bit more difficult and often requires the help of Salesforce professionals. That is where Loikka Solutions comes in.

Support service or agile development service?

Is your company already using Salesforce? Do you want to keep the Salesforce services up-to-date and in line with your company’s goals? If you answered yes to both questions, you are in the right place. If you have not yet started using Salesforce, go here.

We offer two services for the development of Salesforce: the support service and the agile development service.

The support service ensures that your Salesforce environment runs smoothly in the background from day to day. With the help of the agile development service, your Salesforce will be even better tomorrow. This service will help your company generate growth more efficiently and keep your customers satisfied and employees happy.

We are your partner

Loikka Solutions is an official Salesforce partner. That is why we live and breathe Salesforce in our everyday lives, and we know the system like the back of our hand. With the help of our comprehensive insight, we can solve any issues your company may have and fix them together. The goal of this partnership is to generate better results for your company.

Learning Journeys

Hartwall needed tools for a more unified sales method. Understanding customers and to better meet their needs was another goal that was set. “We found that the cooperation with our customers considerably improved and deepened throughout this project. Salespeople following new doctrines achieved better results and healthier customer relationships”, according to Hartwall Sales Director Marko Airamaa.

Our goal was a unified sales process, which would have a boost on the management of sales and better results. With Honka we planned and implemented a change project, which included four training days for approx. 30 sales representatives. “Loikka’s coaching services gave the desired boost and concrete tools to implement our previously engaged transformation process. Naturally the work within Honka continues from there, but the outsider help provided to be genuinely useful”, summarizes Business Director Jari Noppa.

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