
Loikka Solutions is a modern sales development expert. We take the lead in solving company-specific sales challenges and generating growth. We understand the impact that different factors affecting sales results have on each other, such as sales processes on systems, data generated by the systems on management, and human activities and skills on results.

When the processes, technology and people are in sync, we get growth, more satisfied customers, and happier employees.

Our sales development services include three areas:

  1. CRM deployments and agile development
  2. Game plan consultations and sales approach
  3. Coaching and data-based skills development

Comprehensible CRM as a foundation for sales

Salesforce is a system made for the client. It is easy to implement and can be modified quickly if the business is facing changes. Unlike other systems, clients can modify and develop Salesforce without the need for an implementation partner or coding skills.

When it comes to boosting sales, Salesforce’s Sales Cloud is number one on the market. Sales processes are clearly documented in the system, so that the company will receive high-quality, comprehensible, and up-to-date data. In addition, Sales Cloud makes staying actively in touch with clients easy – it is designed for its users.

A winning game plan.

Loikka can boost the sales of companies. Here’s how we do it:

We start by making a comprehensive assessment of the situation, establishing a game plan for different scenarios, and determining how we can outdo our competitors.

When we help our clients, the focus is always on their customers. Whether it is improving sales processes, leading, or nurturing customer relationships – our focus remains on our clients’ customers, always and without exception. Typical development projects include the building of key customer management models and the resulting “lighter” account management-models.

We offer consultation services for, among other things:

  • Sales processes in both B2B and B2C sectors
  • (K)AM models
  • Retailer leadership
  • Sales management

We will hold work seminars with the client and key sales personnel, going through the ST. Gallen KAM Concept. For the customers selected through this process, we will construct real key customer plans based on a deep customer analysis.

Based on these plans, we will define an “annual wheel” for key customer leadership, which can be used as a tool in defining the required sales efforts and internal collaboration. The goal is to achieve a permanent competitive advantage in a strategically important customer relationship and turn it into growth in sales.

Quite often the focus is on the sales process itself. In our work seminars held with the client’s management and/or sales personnel, we will develop new operating procedures that will help the client improve their sales hit rate. Especially in B2B sales, a very popular way to sharpen the sales process is to look at the methods of solution sales at different stages of the purchase process.

In our work seminars we are looking for answers to at least the following questions:

  • How will our clients’ businesses benefit from our solutions?
  • How can we actively control the customer’s buying process?
  • How can we influence the customers’ buying vision, so that any competitive advantages resonate as well as possible?
  • How do we take into account the people who influence the decisions and their views during the negotiations?
  • How does the competitive situation affect the chosen strategy in different scenarios?
  • How can we create the desire to buy when acquiring a new customer or selling a new service to an existing one?

Whether it is nurturing existing customer relationships, improving sales hit rate, cross-selling, or selling the latest items – our process will also update the sales leadership models and indicators. In most cases, Salesforce will also be updated to meet and support the new business models and to maximise the customer-side results as well as those inside the team.

Your company’s personal trainer

Our proven union of science and technology is the basis of our training. On average, after a well-planned and implemented learning journey, 85% of the participants were more successful in dealing with everyday challenges and gaining better sales results.

We will coach your team to win.

Having superior sales and leadership skills compared to your competitors produces a competitive edge in the market and, thus, better sales results. Better players will score more goals, and by working together, they will make it to the podium. The challenge lies in developing your skills. Studies show that only 15% of traditional sales training participants were able to put their newly learned skills into use. However, if the skills are not used in everyday life, they will not produce any results, either. This is an issue we will tackle with our union of science and technology.

The training starts with defining the learning goals. We then determine in which situations the use of different skills affects the results and in what way. Based on this process, we will work with our clients to plan an effective learning journey that is suited to their needs and based on research.

Multidimensional training consists of the following areas:

  • Learning environments (classroom, virtual environment, on-the-job learning, social learning)
  • Temporal dispersion
  • Links to business development
  • Tools and technology
  • Relationships and interaction (own supervisor, coach, customers, colleagues)

All of the above will affect the results. Together, we can design a training that is truly beneficial for everyone involved! After a well-planned and implemented training, on average 85% of the participants were more successful in dealing with everyday challenges and gaining better sales results.

Popular learning goals include:

  • Solution sales skills and sales management
  • Change management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Psychological skills for negotiation and sales
  • Leadership skills
  • Change management skills
  • Data-based leadership
  • Coaching-based leadership skills

If necessary, we can also implement a successful learning journey completely virtually and globally.

Our clients’ most popular and successful development projects include the following:

  • Building and sharpening sales processes
  • Building a key account management model (KAM)
  • Customer relationship management and leadership
  • Key account management
  • Salesforce CRM deployments and agile development
  • Sales management with data
  • Data-based sales
  • Enhancing the sales forecasting process
  • Improving data-based sales skills
  • Developing the interactivity between sales and marketing

Learning Journeys

Hartwall needed tools for a more unified sales method. Understanding customers and to better meet their needs was another goal that was set. “We found that the cooperation with our customers considerably improved and deepened throughout this project. Salespeople following new doctrines achieved better results and healthier customer relationships”, according to Hartwall Sales Director Marko Airamaa.

Our goal was a unified sales process, which would have a boost on the management of sales and better results. With Honka we planned and implemented a change project, which included four training days for approx. 30 sales representatives. “Loikka’s coaching services gave the desired boost and concrete tools to implement our previously engaged transformation process. Naturally the work within Honka continues from there, but the outsider help provided to be genuinely useful”, summarizes Business Director Jari Noppa.

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