Helping Trailblazers to succeed

Did your company acquire the Salesforce system or are you considering buying it?Salesforce is a globally leading customer relationship management system that includes everything you need to achieve results that will make your head spin.

With the right Salesforce partner, your business will grow, your customers will be satisfied, and your employees will be happier than ever.

This is where Loikka Solutions comes in.

A shared vision
=> results and happiness!

Loikka Solutions will help you tap into the full potential of Salesforce and steer your employees towards a shared business vision.

We will help your company achieve financial results and keep your employees happy.

We will create added value for your company with Salesforce.

We live and breathe Salesforce.

Loikka Solutions is an official Salesforce partner with hundreds of projects under its belt. We started as a Salesforce customer ourselves – we know your situation and your fears.

We can assist your company in the use of Salesforce either in a comprehensive manner or with specific parts of the system. Our main goal is to build a Salesforce system that serves your company, your customers, and your employees.

We are your partner when you want to clarify your operating procedures and tap into the full potential of the systems and their users – one step at a time.

We establish a path toward our goals.

We use a simple formula to create added value for our customers.

The formula includes distinct markers that will steer the process from start to finish.
Together, we can also adjust the path along the way to reach our goals.

We work with the customer’s IT and business management to clarify a shared vision in order to create a realistic roadmap and measurable goals for achieving it.

  1. Vision – what do we want to achieve?
  2. Values – what things are important to us?
  3. Methods – how do we achieve the vision?
  4. Obstacles – what things prevent us from achieving our vision?
  5. Measures – how do we know when we have arrived?

We analyze the current technology infrastructure to determine if it is ready to implement the new vision. This allows us to identify any gaps or weaknesses that may hinder the progress of digital transformation, and to develop strategies to address these issues.

Based on the information obtained from the Readiness Diagnostic phase, we develop a prioritized roadmap together that outlines the necessary initiatives to achieve the shared vision and business objectives. In collaboration with the customer, we identify quick wins and create a phased approach that delivers measurable value at each stage.

Communication and change management are key factors in the success of digital transformation. Together with the customer, we develop a communication plan that ensures stakeholder engagement and awareness of the shared vision, interim goals, metrics, and progress.

Each component of the roadmap is owned by a designated leader within the customer’s organization. These components include IT, processes, and people. Together, in a steering committee, we track metrics and lead the digital transformation until the vision is achieved. Our team of experienced consultants provides expert guidance and support to ensure the vision is realized.

After each project, we ensure that all set goals have been achieved and that the customer is satisfied with the results. Together with the customer, we evaluate the success of the program, communicate the results to the organization, and gather feedback and ideas that help the customer improve their operations even further.

Future success requires continuous improvement and development. We closely monitor progress and gather information that helps us assess and optimize development projects. We use this information to continuously improve business processes and develop new digital solutions that help our customers achieve even better growth, happier customers, and more satisfied staff.

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Eyes over here, sales directors!

Would you like to achieve better results and have more satisfied customers?

IT director, you are in the right place.

Salesforce makes cooperation with sales and marketing executives smoother!

Welcome to the team, new Loikka employees!

What is Loikka Solutions like as an employer?

KAM model as a permanent competitive advantage

Get the whole team working efficiently on a key customer relationship.

Learning Journeys

Hartwall needed tools for a more unified sales method. Understanding customers and to better meet their needs was another goal that was set. “We found that the cooperation with our customers considerably improved and deepened throughout this project. Salespeople following new doctrines achieved better results and healthier customer relationships”, according to Hartwall Sales Director Marko Airamaa.

Our goal was a unified sales process, which would have a boost on the management of sales and better results. With Honka we planned and implemented a change project, which included four training days for approx. 30 sales representatives. “Loikka’s coaching services gave the desired boost and concrete tools to implement our previously engaged transformation process. Naturally the work within Honka continues from there, but the outsider help provided to be genuinely useful”, summarizes Business Director Jari Noppa.

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